HarpFlash – Interview with Florence Sitruk in Krakow, Poland 2019

We made this interview with French-German harpist and harp teacher Florence Sitruk on a beautiful autumn day in Krakow. Ms Sitruk is a professor in Bloomington at Jacobs School of Music and a guest professor at the Academy of Music in Krakow.

Antonia Vai - Time Killer (Live At MÜPA, Palace of Arts)

Antonia's Day

Today is Antonia Day. Have a nice day, Antonia Vai! Remember? I think a lot about your beautiful, mysterious ballads. (And of course, the giant, gilded Lyon and Healy harp.)


Ma van az Antóniák napja. Szép napot, Antonia Vai! Emlékszel? Én sokat gondolok a szépséges, titokzatos balladáidra. (Meg persze az óriási, aranyozott

Lyon and Healy hárfára.)